Thursday, October 1, 2009

Perking Up Our Prayers-Supplication Brings His Supply

“…praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Eph 6:18)

This is the last in our series on prayer.  We have discovered how much better prayer becomes when we extol the qualities and nature of God through adoration.  Then we looked into the need of confessing our sins and dependence upon the God of heaven to help us.  We noted how adoration and confession lead us to thankfulness.  Now we turn to the quality of supplication.  Supplication is asking humbly and earnestly in prayer.  It carries with it the idea of persistence.  Some define it as beseeching or begging. 

Most people learn that how we ask for things can make the difference in receiving our request.  Humility and earnestness are keys to opening the door to our prayers to be answered favorably.

There is a chasm of difference between nagging and pleading.  The attitude of the heart that nags is arrogance, harassment and greed.  The pleading heart is humble, and unassuming.  Look at the difference in the Pharisee and tax collector (Luke 18:9-14).  Supplication is realizing a great need in our lives and seeking God’s help and grace in a time of need (Hebrews 4:16).  Badgering or annoying the Father will not bring His justification to us.  Pleading and supplication coupled with thankfulness will (Philippians 4:6).

When we plead we might persist in a request.  Asking more than once in a humble way is not frowned on by God.  Paul went to God three times about his thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:8).  There is a clarifying character to asking for things more than once.  It helps us see if something is truly a flippant desire or a true need.  But even more importantly it reminds us of our inability to provide for ourselves.  This is not to speak on why God delays clear cut answers to our pleadings, it is foolish to think we can speak for God’s reasoning. 

Jesus taught in a parable about a woman who repeatedly besought a king for justice.  It was because of her persistence that she was granted her request.  We all can learn a lesson from this woman.  Prayer should come often, and God doesn’t tire of hearing our earnest requests. 
This series on prayer brings us full circle.  Seeing God’s goodness and nature drives us to our knees to confess that we depend on Him for all things.  We then humbly approach Him to ask for His kind providence. 

Joe Chase
Missionary to Jamaica
Please check us out on YouTube and Twitter


  1. Joe, I love your comment about beseaching rather than nagging. I know when my son whines for something, it only strengthens my resolve not to give it to him. It would only teach him the wrong thing. I guess that's one reason God doesn't give us what we whine or beg for, especially if it is not best for us.

  2. Thanks for your insight. Appreciate your comment.
